What To Do With Your Raw Footage - Wedding Videography Info For The Bride

Lately I've been getting a lot more requests for raw footage, and it makes me so happy because I think it's such a smart decision for a bride to make.

The increased requests probably come from the fact that I've been able to explain to the bride what raw footage is, and why they may want it. Most videographers won't keep every clip from your wedding day saved forever, but if you purchase your raw footage, you can.

Your raw footage consists of all of the clips that your wedding videographer shot that day, so you could watch the entire father-daughter dance, toasts, etc. Anything that was not included in your edited video would be included in your raw footage. More than just that, raw footage gives you the option down the road to do what you want with those clips. If you decide you want a highlight video of just your reception, or a new video made for your anniversary, or anything, you will be able to get that made. If you get a video back from your videographer and totally hate it, you will have all of your raw footage to take to someone else to edit - or learn how to edit yourself.

I've had brides come to me a year after their wedding and ask if I could create a highlight video of just their reception - something that wasn't included in the package they chose. The answer is yes, if you have your raw footage, I would love to do this for you - but this long after your wedding I won't have your raw footage still. Some videographers may have special storage where they keep footage forever, I know plenty of photographers that do - but photos take up much less memory than video. It can be extremely expensive to keep that much video on file for the possibility of a bride needing the footage one day. 

If you choose to purchase the raw footage, or if it's included in your package, you may pull it up on the computer and wonder what in the world you're going to do with it. Chances are it's going to show a bunch of random files called "DSC2389.mov" and you're not going to have a clue what you're looking at. It could be overwhelming, and make you wonder why you even purchased it.

I had a client who I was sitting beside when she pulled up her raw footage. "How do I know what I'm looking at? There are no labels," she said. That's when I knew I needed to write this post.

Some videographers may label their footage so you don't have to see their original file names. I don't. I may in the future - but it's not really necessary in my opinion and would take a really long time.

Instead, I recommend you change how you are viewing your raw footage from "Details" to "Large Icons" - doing this will show you a thumbnail image of the raw footage, so you can clearly see what part of the day each clip covers. See the screenshots below for reference.

Now you will be able to choose which clips you want to watch based on the thumbnail images, which will save you from wasting time sorting through clips you aren't interested in watching in the moment.

If you're looking for a wedding videographer in South Carolina or Georgia, be sure to check out our wedding video packages & prices and most importantly, watch some of our wedding videos to see if you like my style! For more information or to book a date, contact us today!